Quay màn hình MM Live, Baby Live, Bigo Live, Stripchat
勾魂惡夢 - Erotic Nightmare
色情男女 - Viva Erotica
The Gigolo 2
紅鬼仔 - Red Spell Spells Red
迷魂黨 - Spike Drink Gang
種鬼/Seeding of a Ghost
孽欲追击档案之邪杀/The Imp
女色狼/Indecent Woman
風流韻事/Illicit Desire
我為卿狂/Hidden Desire
禁室培慾之愛的俘虜/Love Education
唐朝豪放女/An Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty
人皮燈籠/Human Lanterns
少女潘金蓮/The Amorous Lotus Pan
蜜桃成熟時/Fruit Is Swelling
赤足驚魂/The Peeping Tom
極度獸性/Evil Instinct
金瓶梅禁传 上卷/Sex Of Golden Plums
慈禧秘密生活/Lover of the Last Empress